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Cape May 2016 A Recap Of Episode 3

Cape May 2016: A Recap of Episode 3

Back to Episode


In the third episode of Cape May 2016, "Back to Episode," Red and her friends continue their adventures in Cape May. They explore the town, meet new people, and learn more about themselves. Red also has a chance encounter with her ex-husband, which leads to some unexpected revelations.

The episode begins with Red and her friends waking up after a night of partying. They decide to go for a swim in the ocean, but they quickly get caught in a rip current. Red is able to save herself, but her friends are not so lucky. She is forced to watch as they are swept away by the current.

Red is devastated by the loss of her friends. She feels guilty for not being able to save them. She also begins to question her own life choices. She wonders if she is living the life she wants to live. She is also struggling with her relationship with her ex-husband. She is not sure if she wants to be with him anymore.

The episode ends with Red sitting on the beach, watching the sunset. She is still trying to process everything that has happened. She is not sure what the future holds, but she is determined to find her own way.
